CTPAT Trade Compliance Handbook

CTPAT Trade Compliance Handbook

CBP has released a CTPAT Trade Compliance Handbook.  This handbook was released in July 2022. Below are the 6 areas covered in the handbook including considerations for forced labor and the updated CTPAT Trade Compliance Questionnaire. INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAM MODERNIZATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION, PROCESSING, AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM CONTINUATION REQUIREMENTS REVOCATION PROCEDURES APPENDIX Click…

Memorial Day 2015

Global Training Center SALUTES All Service Men & Women! We would like to remind Veterans who are interested in a career in Logisticsor Global Trade that your VA Grant Funds may cover your tuition and books for the Customs Broker Prep Course.  For information on our Customs Broker Course Click Here Call or email us…

Suddenly Responsible for Import & Export Departments

Have you found yourself suddenly responsible for the import and export departments in your company? Like most companies, you have likely had to make the tough decision to reorganize your staff,  including laying off key individuals. If you chose to lay off your international logistics and trade compliance staff you may have discovered, too late,…