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Cincinnati, OH

International Compliance Seminars

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Import & Export Trade Compliance

We are going to Cincinnati, OH for our in-person trade compliance seminars. It’s critical that you know your customs and regulatory obligations. You should be able to protect your company from fines, minimize risks and optimize your trade compliance program. Create your competitive advantage with us!

Why Seminars? Seeing each other face-to-face can have many benefits, including more networking with people in the same field, higher productivity, and new motivation. We want to make sure you get the most out of our courses, so we hope to see you in person soon.

Register today to save your seat!

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_message message_box_style=”outline” message_box_color=”danger”]Early Registration will ensure you will receive course material in class![/vc_message][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_column_text]

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Seminar Location:

AC Hotel Cincinnati at Liberty Center

7505 Gibson Street, Liberty Township, Ohio, USA, 45069

Call at: +1 513-759-6500

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Trudy Wilson

See bio

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Download Flyer 2022 ⬇️

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IMPORTANT: COVID Guidelines and Information for Seminar Attendance

We look forward to having you back! Great news, our Cincinnati instructor has been vaccinated! We would like to make sure we create a safe environment for everyone, so READ THE FOLLOWING.

IMPORTANT:  For your safety, the safety of our instructors and other attendees, our In-Person Seminars will follow CDC, State, Local, and venue (hotel) COVID Guidelines. If guidelines are not available from the State and Local governments, we will follow the most current CDC Guidelines. Below we have provided links with information on COVID guidelines.  Please keep in mind that guidelines are changing all the time.  We will do our best to update this page. This page will be updated once the venue has been selected. (Updated May 27, 2021)

  • HOTEL: Working with hotel now.
  • GTC:  A signed Waiver Form will be required before attending. The form will be emailed to each attendee.
  • State of Ohio COVID Guidelines 
  • Cincinnati Region Guidelines
  • If traveling from outside of the state, please check the Travel Guidelines

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Upcoming Seminars – Be ready for more to come!

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